As the COVID-19 pandemic deepened, we witnessed gender-based violence increase exponentially. Many women were being forced to ‘lock-down’ at home with their abusers at the same time that services to support survivors were being disrupted or made inaccessible.
With this in mind, we have created a new key-sector to allocate funds specifically earmarked to meet the needs of women in our community. The organizations under this new umbrella consist of women-centric groups who provide assistance, shelter and educational services to women who are victim of sexual assaults, plus a new organization: Li-Ber-T House, who offers housing and counselling services for at-risk women reintegrating society.
With this in mind, we have created a new key-sector to allocate funds specifically earmarked to meet the needs of women in our community. The organizations under this new umbrella consist of women-centric groups who provide assistance, shelter and educational services to women who are victim of sexual assaults, plus a new organization: Li-Ber-T House, who offers housing and counselling services for at-risk women reintegrating society.
- Website: libert.caLI-BER-T House aimes at providing women transitioning into society with a safe housing alternative after completing an addiction treatment program (rehab), and to empower them to become self-sufficient through learning, leadership, companionship and service.
- Website: wiws.caWest Island Women’s Shelter mission is to work for social change, aiming at the elimination of conjugal violence and its impact on women and their children.
- Website: calacsdelouest.caCALACSWest Island offers help to women who have been the victims of sexual assaults, as well as sexual assault prevention programs.
- Website: wiwc.caThe West Island Women’s Centre (WIWC) is a dynamic and widely-used non-profit community organization dedicated to improving the quality of life of women. We provide educational, social and recreational services for women living in the West Island and the community at large.